Occasionally, repairs alone are not enough, and major work is required on the piano. In this case, we talk about “rebuilding” the piano, which involves replacing several important parts of the instrument. At Raybould Piano, we are careful to replace only the very necessary parts, but if you like, we can also completely rebuild your piano. This work usually involves:
- Complete regulation of the action- Replacement of the strings- Replacement of the tuning pins- Replacement of the pin block- Replacement of the bridges- Repairing or replacement of the soundboard- It also includes the refinishing of the piano’s cabinet. For more information, please go to the section on woodwork.
Your satisfaction is our greatest concern. We are therefore prepared to combine all our efforts to restore your piano’s sound and former appearance (or give it the look of your choice), at the right price. A restored and well-cared-for piano is a magnificent heirloom to be passed on to your children. Be assured that once your piano has been entrusted to us, it will last for many generations to come. Please communicate with us and our team at Raybould Piano so that we can make a complete evaluation of the work to be done.
Votre satisfaction est notre plus grand souci! Aussi nous sommes prêt à conguger tous nos efforts pour que votre piano retrouve à bon prix sa sonorité et son apparence d'antan (ou le look que vous voulez lui donner)... En fait, un piano restauré et bien entretenu est une magnifique pièce d'hériatage à léguer à ses enfants... et soyez assuré qu'après être passé entre nos mains il sera bon pour maintes générations à venir. Surtout n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous et notre équipe de Raybould piano pour demander une évaluation complète des travaux à effectuer...