Piano player Coulombe expert since 1930

Henry Coulome expert piano player service
Piano Player expert since 1930
History of Pianos Coulombe:
Piano Player expert Henry Coulombe began his career at the age of 14. He served his apprenticeship installation and repair of piano player in Donat Langelier, which was located on Ste-Catherine. At the time the house Langelier distributed several brands such as pianos, Langelier, Pratte, Strathmore and others.
During the 30’s, Mr. Coulombe returned to studies at the Institute of Montreal Teccart to learning electronics, because at that time electronic organs made their debut on the market. More over, the house provided the Langelier Connsonata famous organs in many churches and religious congregations.
On the death of Mr. Donat Langelier in the mid 60’s, Mr. Coulombe continued his career by specializing as an electronics technician for the house Langelier Valiquette owned by the Langevin brothers. In the early 70s, he founded Service d’orgues Coulombe enr. It was a great opportunity for him because the leaders of Langelier-Valiquette borrowed a new way to distribute a new entrant into the market; the now famous company Yamaha piano. Henry and his company so became contractor for Langelier-Valiquette in repair and maintenance for Yamaha organs, and Connsonata conn.
In the mid 70’s, Mr. Coulombe noted that demand for the restoration of piano player were ever increasing. So he decided to include the repair service of piano player and harmoniums in his company. At the same time, he initiated his son Serge to restoration of piano player. The latter made it his specialty … today.
Over 80 years, Henry and Serge abandoned the repair of organs to devote themselves entirely to the restoration of piano player and harmoniums. Together they formed a new company called Pianos Coulombe et fils enr. During 25 years Pianos Coulombe et fils enr has become the benchmark for many traders and piano tuners in the greater Montreal area.
January 25, 2009, died last one of the first school specialists. Henry Coulombe died at the age of 85.
Since his son Serge continues the work. It still offers catering services for piano player in close collaboration with Piano tuner Montreal Patrick Brennan , Tuner and piano technician.
We are now the only place in the province of Quebec to offer repair and restoration of piano player.
Piano tuner Montreal Patrick Brennan and his team provide complete services, from A to Z, tuning, changing valves, changing strings, catering, etc.. Its services are professional and guaranteed. In addition to repairing and restoring all types of pianos.
Player piano expert/ Piano tuner Montreal Patrick Brennan
Here’s the number to reach them 514-969-484